Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. is a short story about a family whose son was taken away from them. The story is set in the distant future where everyone is equal, and they make everyone equal by giving them physical limitations so not one person is better than anyone else. I found this story very strange when I read it. The way the husband and wife interacted with each other was very strange and child like. Their mental handicaps caused them to be this way. I also found the way Harrison presented himself on TV was very unusual. His "overthrowing the government" seemed very weird as he danced and floated in the air with a ballerina.
Harrison Bergeron is based on the issue of equality that is still a part of our lives today. In resent years, the world has fought for equality for all people. This story seems to say that there is no such thing as perfect equality without drastic measures. So in order to create a perfectly equal world, citizens would need to get rid of basic rights such as individuality and education. The world is a better place with diverse personalities, and it is definitely more enjoyable to make your own decisions.
Harrison Bergeron is based on the issue of equality that is still a part of our lives today. In resent years, the world has fought for equality for all people. This story seems to say that there is no such thing as perfect equality without drastic measures. So in order to create a perfectly equal world, citizens would need to get rid of basic rights such as individuality and education. The world is a better place with diverse personalities, and it is definitely more enjoyable to make your own decisions.
I really liked the way you described the book. I agree with you I thought it was pretty strange too. I liked the questions you brought up about equality.