Dear Ten year-old, embrace everyone around you, and make lots of friends. When I was young, everyone I met became my friend. No matter how old they were or what they looked like, if they would be my friend I would be theirs. Although when I grew older, I became more secluded and had only a few friends. I wouldn't talk to people I didn't know and I didn't make many new friends. Now that I'm older, I know that having lots of friends is important. You have lots of people you can turn to and just have fun with. Another piece of advise is to try new things. My parents always told me, "You'll never know unless you try,". A time I wish I had thought about this was when my friend had just invited me to the beach, but I turned it down because I was very tired from a trip I had just gotten back from. I saw how much fun they were having and I still regret not going. I now try and go to new places or take part in new activities, ...