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Showing posts from January, 2018

ATDPTI Response

So far, I am really enjoying The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Reading it during the writing process of our research papers really relieves the stress of it all. One thing that I find very interesting about this book is the use of humor. I like that the book is funny but i also think that it is interesting how the author uses humor to discuss more serious topics. However, I think it is fitting for the narrator of this book because of his age. While reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, I think it is very interesting how it is written in a diary-like format. If it was written like a regular book, it wouldn’t be nearly as good because you couldn’t see inside Junior’s head as he develops through his journey. Like the writing format, I also think that the pictures add a lot to the development of Junior as a character. In a novel format, the narrator could say that Junior wants to be a cartoon artist, but showing the cartoons themselves really empha

Research Update

For my research project, my topic is the modernization of the british monarchy in the past century. I am basically exploring the major changes in the monarchy that were caused by changes in the outside world. Some of the major innovations that I observed were changes in the usage of technology, views on marriage, the publicity of the royal family, and the relevance of outdated laws or traditions. My topic is interesting because it is a more modern topic. As the world is changing, so is the monarchy and it continues to change. I find it interesting how Queen Elizabeth II is so open to incorporating the modern technology of the world into the monarchy’s traditional ways. For example, in 2012 for the queen’s diamond jubilee, she decided to incorporate a 3D broadcast of the event. The queen also decided to open the doors of the monarchy, literally and figuratively, as she let people into Buckingham palace and as she toured the world to discover different cultures.

Free Post

This weekend, I spent time with my friends. While we were together, we went shopping and out to eat. We were all having such a good time, so we were disappointed whenever the weekend was over. Whenever I got home, I had heard that school may be closed on Tuesday. But once the email was sent out on Monday, I prepared to go to school the next day. But to my surprise, around five-thirty in the morning on Tuesday, my mom came into my room and told me to turn my alarm off and that school was cancelled. On Tuesday, as soon as I got up, I finished my emergency closure lessons so I could enjoy the rest of my day. My day was very relaxed as I went to run errands with my dad and got burgers at Riverside Patty. My day got even better when I looked outside and it was snowing again. And soon following the snow, I learned that we would not have school on Wednesday either. I am excited to use today to relax and enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

Research Update

While doing work on my research paper, the most difficult part was finding the sources. This was difficult because I couldn’t find enough sources on the databases that were relevant to my topic. Another piece of the project that was difficult for me was the annotated bibliography. This was challenging for me because it made me realize that some of my sources weren’t working well with my topic, so i had to go find new ones. However, after I had finished the annotated bibliography and had sources that supported my topic, I feel like my ideas became more organized. I feel like I have a better idea of what I want to do with my paper. One thing that helped me get to where I am was writing out the main ideas that I want to cover in my paper because it organized my thoughts on paper. From here on out, I feel like the writing process will get easier as we become more and more organized.

New Semester Reflection

After the first semester of high school, I have learned a great deal of valuable information that I can use in the spring to help me. One thing that I learned is that the earlier I do work, the better I will feel. Whenever i procrastinate, I always wait until the last minute to do whatever it is I am assigned. When I did this, I always felt stressed in comparison to when I just got it over with. So in this upcoming second semester, I will try to get all of my work done over a reasonable amount of time. In the second semester, some of my goals are to study more and be more organized. In the past semester, I studied for tests, however, I wished I would have studied more because I got points off for simple mistakes. So this year, I will study for tests more thoroughly. Also, this year I would like to be more organized with my school work. Last semester, I wouldn’t write everything down, so i would miss little assignments that would negatively impact my grade. So this year, if I am mor