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Showing posts from October, 2017


If you were the ruler on a deserted island, what would be the first plans to put into action? Why?         If I were a ruler on a deserted island the first thing I would do is gather everyone in a safe place. While we were all gathered together, I would find everyones strengths and weaknesses, so I could work with them to assign them to a role that they would be happy with. Once everyone found a job, I would gather who ever is comfortable and look for necessities. Some necessities would be food, fresh water, a good place for shelter. If we find any thing that would be of use, our group would bring it back to the beach.         Once we have plenty of supplies, we would go to the beach and start building shelter, fires, and hunting tools. We would use the hunting tools to get food, like fish, and the fire to cook food we find. As a leader, I would try to make sure everyone was comfortable and accounted for. My top priority would be to make sure everything was organized and stress fre

Human Nature

       I believe that humans are fundamentally good, but everyone is different. Everyone starts out good, but they are then confronted with decisions that shape what they are truly like.  I believe this because I have seen people from different backgrounds, parents, and parts of the world. For example, I went back to Tyler, TX, where I lived before here, and I saw how much all of my friends had changed from when we were kids and how different they were from my friends who grew up in Baton Rouge. Growing up in different environments changes the way people think and act.        Even though I think people are fundamentally good, I believe that people have free will to compliment or change that. Everyone in the world is flawed in someway, and that is caused by peoples decisions. Those decisions can lead to changes in judgement. So, if someones judgement is changed, that may change the way they view and feel about different situations. But, people can also make decisions to make them bett

Fall Break

       Fall break is one of my favorite times of the year because it gives me time to relax and do whatever I want. My break started off with having a friend over to spend the night. While she was over, we went to the Episcopal football game and met up with some people there. We stayed until the very end and cheered on the Knights. After the game, we went back to my house and watched some movies.        The next day, we went to the mall. It was so much fun because we got to walk around and shop. One of my favorite stores at the mall is Sephora. We went to Sephora and tested all of the newest make-up and skin care products. After a long day of shopping, we went to the food court and got some ice cream. Once we had both gotten home, I spent the next few days relaxing and taking a break from school.

The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

     The short story  The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings  is a story about a peculiar man with wings who upsets the whole town. The over all setting of this story is in a small town on the coast sometime in the twentieth century. The story demonstrates a very eerie, gloomy vibe through the characters actions and words. For example, it describes the very old man as a pitiful circus animal and often refer to him as a "captive". The weather is also described as a rainy, ash-grey day, which creates a sad scene.        One of the questions I have about VOMEW is how did the angel get there in the first place, or was he there by accident? Was he sent there to make things better? If so, he may have completed his mission, while sacrificing himself. For example, the sick child no longer had a fever when he arrived. But, while he made this family happy by bringing them money and health, he was held hostage and ridiculed by other citizens.

Flash Fiction

     Sarah was woken abruptly by the sound of her alarm. The sun didn't shine through her bedroom window like it always did when her alarm clock sounded. The clock read five-thirty in the morning, and that's when Sarah remembered that she was leaving for Italy today! She sprang out of bed, careful not to trip over her overflowing suitcase she had packed a week in advance. She brushed her teeth and put on her outfit she had laid out the night before. The time had finally come to load up in the car, and Sarah and her family drove to the airport. The roads were almost empty, and the sun had started to rise behind the buildings they drove by. She grew more and more excited with every passing minute. Once Sarah and her family arrived at the airport, she was bursting with excitement. She marched through the sliding doors with her passport in hand, and she knew this would be the best week of her life.

Harrison Bergeron

          Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. is a short story about a family whose son was taken away from them. The story is set in the distant future where everyone is equal, and they make everyone equal by giving them physical limitations so not one person is better than anyone else. I found this story very strange when I read it. The way the husband and wife interacted with each other was very strange and child like. Their mental handicaps caused them to be this way. I also found the way Harrison presented himself on TV was very unusual. His "overthrowing the government" seemed very weird as he danced and floated in the air with a ballerina.           Harrison Bergeron is based on the issue of equality that is still a part of our lives today. In resent years, the world has fought for equality for all people. This story seems to say that there is no such thing as perfect equality without drastic measures. So in order to create a perfectly equal world, citizens would