The short story The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings is a story about a peculiar man with wings who upsets the whole town. The over all setting of this story is in a small town on the coast sometime in the twentieth century. The story demonstrates a very eerie, gloomy vibe through the characters actions and words. For example, it describes the very old man as a pitiful circus animal and often refer to him as a "captive". The weather is also described as a rainy, ash-grey day, which creates a sad scene.
One of the questions I have about VOMEW is how did the angel get there in the first place, or was he there by accident? Was he sent there to make things better? If so, he may have completed his mission, while sacrificing himself. For example, the sick child no longer had a fever when he arrived. But, while he made this family happy by bringing them money and health, he was held hostage and ridiculed by other citizens.
One of the questions I have about VOMEW is how did the angel get there in the first place, or was he there by accident? Was he sent there to make things better? If so, he may have completed his mission, while sacrificing himself. For example, the sick child no longer had a fever when he arrived. But, while he made this family happy by bringing them money and health, he was held hostage and ridiculed by other citizens.
I like how you look deeper into the story for questions! I didn't even think that he was making the family's life better. Good job.