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Showing posts from August, 2017


       This summer, my family and I went on a huge road trip to North Carolina and Washington DC. While we were in the car, we always listened to John Mayer's new album, the Search for Everything. As we listened to it more and more, my whole family started to really love it, and we associated it with our summer. We would listen to it in the car, at cook outs, and just around the house.        As our summer came to an end, my mom asked us if we wanted to go to his concert. I wasn't super excited about it because it was the night before orientation day, so I decided not to go. School was nearing and my sister, Emily, was so excited for the concert, but I didn't want summer to end. The day before orientation day, I went to go get a hair cut, and when I was done it was around 4 pm. My mom asked my on the way home, "Do you want to go to the John Mayer concert?" I was so confused because my sister was about to leave in thirty minutes, and I didn't know how it was

Dreamology by Lucy Keating

       My second summer reading book was Dreamology by Lucy Keating. This book is about a girl named Alice, and ever since she was little, she has had dreams about a boy named Max. Alice always felt like Max was a person, and he was a big part of her life. She had just learned to cope with the fact that he was not a real person until he walked into her English class. This book explores Alice and Max's journey to figure out why they dream about each other and how to stop it. I liked this book, but I wouldn't say its one of my favorites. The romance of the book was very predictable, but I really liked the twist with the dreams and how you could see inside them.        The way the author described Alice's dreams was very descriptive. She would explain the setting in great detail by describing colors and Alice's feelings. I could imagine the dream in vivid detail whenever she wrote about it. Another part of Dreamology that I found very interesting was the way the author d

My Summer

This summer, I traveled to North Carolina and Washington DC, and I went to camp and Camp Hardtner. In North Carolina, we saw colleges for my older sister and walked around down town Chapel Hill. There, we ate at a little bakery and went shopping in some local boutiques. Our second stop was DC, and the first thing we did when we got there was go to some Smithsonian Museums. Also in DC, we went to the National Mall and saw all kinds of monuments and historical buildings that I had only seen in books before. Everything there was so beautiful in North Carolina and Washington DC and I would love to go to both places again sometime. The second thing I did this summer was go to Camp Hardtner. I have been going to camp there ever since I can remember so bringing friends this year was really fun. My friends and I were in Cabin Six and everyone there got really close. We played fun games all week, and even though it was really hot, I still had an amazing time. While we were there, we had three

I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

My favorite summer reading book this summer was I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. This book tells the story of two twins, Noah and Jude, from two very important times in their lives. One part of the book focuses on Noah struggle to fit in middle school as an artist and his forbidden love. The other half focuses on Jude's journey to make a sculpture with the world renowned sculptor, Guillermo Garcia. I found out about this book online and I decided to give it a try. One thing that makes this book so interesting to me is that it is told from the perspective of two different artists. They both use very descriptive language and illustrate characters and places so vividly. I also really enjoyed how it was told from two different times and you could get to know the characters and see how they changed over time. I loved this book and I would recommend it to young readers who enjoy art and romantic novels.